Interview (Part 1) on the Happy Birthway Podcast

I had the pleasure of being interviewed a few months ago by Chani Fingerer of the Healthy Birthway Podcast (available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts) and Yoledet Academy ( – and I’m excited to share that the interview is being released in two parts over the next few weeks! If you aren’t yet familiar withContinue reading “Interview (Part 1) on the Happy Birthway Podcast”

Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?

Dear Devorah B., Thank you so much for your comment on my last post , where I mentioned the idea of living in sync with the the different energies of hormone fluctuations in a woman’s menstrual cycle. I’m far from an expert on the subject, but I find the whole topic really intriguing! I haven’tContinue reading “Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?”

Interview! Talking Pregnancy and Postpartum Diet and Self Care with Esti Asher, RDN

Postpartum Diet and Exercise Mini-Series Part 1 Esti Asher, MS, RDN, LD shares her professional knowlege and *inspiring positive attitude* about Diet and Self Care in the Pregnancy/Postpartum period. Find out more about her virtual practice and read her articles at

Yes! Birth Control side effects ARE real.

From the number of blogposts and podcasts I’ve done on birth control, you might think I’m passionate about contraception. 😉 No, actually, I’m just a temendous believer in making informed decisions around family planning! And, the fact is that most* women either consider or use some method of birth control during their reproductive years. MyContinue reading “Yes! Birth Control side effects ARE real.”

Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 3 – last one!)

Ok – we made it to the final post of this series. I think this one is fun. Let’s jump straight in. Does it really matter when I take the pill? For SPOTTING: I can’t stress enough how important it is to be consistent on timing from a Taharas HaMishpacha standpoint. The #1 thing youContinue reading “Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 3 – last one!)”

Podcast! IUDs – Part 2

More of the IUD conversation –  In Part 1 we covered: what they are, where you get one, how much they cost and how they work. Now in Part 2 we’ll discuss: picking the right IUD, pros & cons, and side effects (…and here’s where most of the Taharas HaMishpacha questions come up!)  I postedContinue reading “Podcast! IUDs – Part 2”

Podcast! IUDs – Part 1

It’s been so long since I put out a new podcast, but beH this will be followed by more in quicker succession! We have a lot to discuss. 😉 Let’s talk IUDs (intrauterine devices)! Taharas HaMishpacha adds another dimension to the “IUD conversation” for frum women. I’m here to make sure you have the infoContinue reading “Podcast! IUDs – Part 1”

Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 1)

This question opens the door to soooo much information, so let’s take it one bit at a time. First of all, to know if you’re taking your pill correctly, we need to know why you’re taking a birth control pill. There are two primary reasons that women take birth control pills: Contraception – to preventContinue reading “Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 1)”

When and Why is Pregnancy Spacing Important?

How long should a woman wait to get pregnant after a C Section? Why wait? And does it matter (medically) how quickly a generally healthy woman gets pregnant if she hasn’t had a C Section?  Note: I want to make sure this was clear – if a woman wants spacing of over a year andContinue reading “When and Why is Pregnancy Spacing Important?”

Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy – Preconception Care

This episode discusses what you can do to prepare for a health pregnancy.  We cover:  Genetic screening Exercise and weight Vitamins Immunizations Oral health Chronic disease/mental health management Medication review Timing conception  See the MotherToBaby website for more information on medications, as well as medical conditions and immunizations.  The fact sheets are clear and conciseContinue reading “Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy – Preconception Care”

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