Interview (Part 1) on the Happy Birthway Podcast

I had the pleasure of being interviewed a few months ago by Chani Fingerer of the Healthy Birthway Podcast (available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts) and Yoledet Academy ( – and I’m excited to share that the interview is being released in two parts over the next few weeks! If you aren’t yet familiar withContinue reading “Interview (Part 1) on the Happy Birthway Podcast”

Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?

Dear Devorah B., Thank you so much for your comment on my last post , where I mentioned the idea of living in sync with the the different energies of hormone fluctuations in a woman’s menstrual cycle. I’m far from an expert on the subject, but I find the whole topic really intriguing! I haven’tContinue reading “Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?”

Avoiding Niddah While Spotting: Practical Tips

**I hope you read my last post with an overview on avoiding niddah while spotting – if not, do so now! There’s some really key halachic and hashkafic background to review before moving forwards.** I’ve been sort of wrestling with myself on how to present these practical tips. There’s a lot of variation in theContinue reading “Avoiding Niddah While Spotting: Practical Tips”

Avoiding Niddah While Spotting: Overview

This whole topic used to really stress me out. Personally. Professionally. Altogether. Whatever I learned in kallah classes didn’t help. The responses I got to my frequent shaylahs while taking birth control pills added further anxiety. Advanced nursing education in women’s health just made my questions more pressing. “You want me to pretend I’m notContinue reading “Avoiding Niddah While Spotting: Overview”

Interview! Doulas – The Inside Scoop with Sarah Rochel Grunbaum

In this podcast I interview Sarah Rochel Grunbaum – a highly experienced doula who recently made Aliyah from Brooklyn. With over 2000 births behind her (not counting 7 of her own k’ah), she really knows what she’s talking about. Sarah Rochel’s unique blend of expertise and sensitivity is truly remarkable. Even if you already plan toContinue reading “Interview! Doulas – The Inside Scoop with Sarah Rochel Grunbaum”

Postpartum Bleeding: Getting to the Mikvah

See Postpartum Bleeding: Real World Expectations for Part 1See Postpartum Bleeding: Speed It Up by Slowing Down for Part 2 When do I start the process of getting to the mikvah? At a certain number of weeks? After my postpartum check up? I want to start with three stories (identitites protected, of course, and sharedContinue reading “Postpartum Bleeding: Getting to the Mikvah”

Postpartum Bleeding: Speed It Up By Slowing Down

See Postpartum Bleeding: Real World Expectations for Part 1 on this topic. Can I make this process speed up? Is something I’m doing slowing it down? To some extent, how long you bleed for is just built in – the same way there are women with healthy cycles who have 3 day periods, and thereContinue reading “Postpartum Bleeding: Speed It Up By Slowing Down”

Postpartum Bleeding: Real World Expectations

I keep thinking it’s time for a post with more pizzazz, but if we’re going to be honest, I’m a Women’s Health educator and much of the info isn’t so glamorous. 😉 So while the subject of Postpartum Bleeding can’t exactly be defined as fun and upbeat, it’s one with real (dare I say unique)Continue reading “Postpartum Bleeding: Real World Expectations”

Interview! Rena Reiser on the Postpartum Transition

Postpartum Diet and Exercise Mini-Series Part 2 Rena Reiser redefines “self care” in the context of the postpartum stage. She emphasizes the importance of listening to your body & emotions during this time of transition when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and more. Rena presented some excellent points I’d really never thought of before (andContinue reading “Interview! Rena Reiser on the Postpartum Transition”

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