“Heartbreaking Birth Misinformation” Podcast

Hey guys! I haven’t found the quiet space to do any recordings of my own recently (bH between baby girl and her big sisters, quiet is in short supply around here!) BUT I want to recommend a fabulous podcast episode by Chanie Fingerer. I was interviewed on her Happy Birthway Podcast earlier this summer, andContinue reading ““Heartbreaking Birth Misinformation” Podcast”

Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?

Dear Devorah B., Thank you so much for your comment on my last post , where I mentioned the idea of living in sync with the the different energies of hormone fluctuations in a woman’s menstrual cycle. I’m far from an expert on the subject, but I find the whole topic really intriguing! I haven’tContinue reading “Q&A: How can I live in sync with my hormones when I’m experiencing Lactational Amenorrhea?”

Interview! Talking Nursing (Again) with Tamar and Tova

Remember when my SIL Tamar shared her awesome re-lactation story with us? B”H she’s still going strong nursing Zahava and I wanted to check back in! Plus her baby sister Tova gave birth to an adorable baby boy over the summer. We didn’t manage to coordinate a 3-way call, so listen in to an authenticContinue reading “Interview! Talking Nursing (Again) with Tamar and Tova”

Interview! Rena Reiser on the Postpartum Transition

Postpartum Diet and Exercise Mini-Series Part 2 Rena Reiser redefines “self care” in the context of the postpartum stage. She emphasizes the importance of listening to your body & emotions during this time of transition when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and more. Rena presented some excellent points I’d really never thought of before (andContinue reading “Interview! Rena Reiser on the Postpartum Transition”

Interview! Talking Pregnancy and Postpartum Diet and Self Care with Esti Asher, RDN

Postpartum Diet and Exercise Mini-Series Part 1 Esti Asher, MS, RDN, LD shares her professional knowlege and *inspiring positive attitude* about Diet and Self Care in the Pregnancy/Postpartum period. Find out more about her virtual practice and read her articles at https://www.estiashernutrition.com/

Interview! Musings of a Tipat Chalav (Well Baby Clinic) Nurse

My friend Batzion is the AWESOME Tipat Chalav (well baby clinic) nurse for at least half of the frum population of Karmiel. She explains a lot of the “how” and “why” of the Tipat Chalav system here in Israel, and the general importance of taking your baby in for well baby visits wherever you areContinue reading “Interview! Musings of a Tipat Chalav (Well Baby Clinic) Nurse”

Podcast! Medications in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

We discuss why meds in pregnancy and breastfeeding deserve so much conversation, when and how to discuss them with your medical provider, and what resources you can use to empower yourself as a patient and mother!  **All of this content, including the links I mentioned in the podcast, can be accessed in the original blogpostContinue reading “Podcast! Medications in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding”

Yes! Birth Control side effects ARE real.

From the number of blogposts and podcasts I’ve done on birth control, you might think I’m passionate about contraception. đŸ˜‰ No, actually, I’m just a temendous believer in making informed decisions around family planning! And, the fact is that most* women either consider or use some method of birth control during their reproductive years. MyContinue reading “Yes! Birth Control side effects ARE real.”

Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 3 – last one!)

Ok – we made it to the final post of this series. I think this one is fun. Let’s jump straight in. Does it really matter when I take the pill? For SPOTTING: I can’t stress enough how important it is to be consistent on timing from a Taharas HaMishpacha standpoint. The #1 thing youContinue reading “Q&A: Am I taking my birth control pills correctly? (Part 3 – last one!)”

Podcast! IUDs – Part 2

More of the IUD conversation –  In Part 1 we covered: what they are, where you get one, how much they cost and how they work. Now in Part 2 we’ll discuss: picking the right IUD, pros & cons, and side effects (…and here’s where most of the Taharas HaMishpacha questions come up!)  I postedContinue reading “Podcast! IUDs – Part 2”

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